Thursday, December 18, 2008

i'm home!!

actually i've been home since about 9 o'clock last night, but whatev.

i've actually never been so happy to be home in my life!
this past set of exams has absolutely KILLED me. but i got through them, and i'm home now :)

OMGGGGG. so, since i had my last exam yesterday (which, i may add, was my hardest one), i haven't had ANY time to work on the blog'n christmas gifts! :( i have something put together as of now, and i'm still going to pick up a few things, but it just sucks because i never really got a chance to put whole lot of thought into these gifts. and my gifts totally PALE in comparison to some of your guys'. stupid exams running until the 17th of december :\

oh well. i mean, i'm sure between everyone else's gifts that you'll be receiving, mine will fit in somewhere. :)

in other news...
i can't remember the other news! AHH!
last night (at like 2.00AM) i was like... OH! i need to blog about this! and now i can't even remember what it was.
OH WELL! i don't have school right now, so whenever i think of it, i can blog it whenever i please! :D

hmm.. i may remember it later today, then post it... IDK.
(or maybe i won't remember it at all, maybe it's just a figment of my imagination... my brain is totally fried from two weeks of NONstop studying anyways...)

anyways, i must get going. i have to have these gifts ready by later today so that we can finally mail them off! eek! i'm so excited!



sparklegreen said...

Y!!!! I'm glad you're home. I can't wait for my gifts. I bet yours will be fine. If it's any consolation, we were all in a frenzy to do it. the stuff I sent you should be arriving really soon, maybe even before christmas. I think it went Expresspost because it was cheaper to do so for some reason...

Hey, do you think you can film the opening of my package? I want to see the surprizinly grand stormy effect--I think you know what I mean ;)--because I have a video collab idea for that too. I`ll tell you via e-mail.

Monikamarieee said...

hahaaa "surprizingly grand stormy effect" - hilarious sparklegreen!

I hate it when you forget your own thoughts! I often do the same, walk about town, have a little experience and then think OH! This would make a fabulous blog entry, and then get home and NOPE, brain is totally empty! Grrr.

Anyway happy holidays Colin, hope your xmas was lovely!

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

'dju get those sent off yet?
yeah? yeah?
i didn't think so.

this is also a source of great embarrassment to me.