i stumbled across one of the mix cd's evan made for me (i think it was the original songs for drunkie.) wayyy back in gr.12 (wayyy back? that shouldn't seem like such a long time ago, but for some reason it does..). one of these songs was "The Dark of the Matinee" by Franz Ferdinand.
i was intrigued.
i listened to it.
i realized that, except for this one song, i had NO Franz Ferdinand on my computer! i remembered how much i LOVED Franz Ferdinand way back when, and that i used to have a whole bunch on my old iPod and on our computer back at home, but i guess i had forgotten about them when i got my lappy before first year of uni.
so obviously my next move was to go to the hub and steal bunches from teh interwebs, rather than buying the actual albums! HAH! who buys albums anymore? ... i do sometimes. hardly ever. but when i like a band enough, i'll go buy their album and feel very good about it. anyway. i went and got their two albums, and i noticed on iTunes that they had a new single out! weird! i clicked on it, and it brought me to a page showing an unreleased album. it was called "Tonight: Franz Ferdinand." i looked, and it said: Expected Release Date: Jan. 27, 2009. eek! i was vurry excited.

i got their single, "Ulysses" and had a good listen to it. it sounded very promising, and i
got even more excited about the fact that they were finally releasing a new album, after almost four years! i'm hoping that, even though i only live in little Antigonish (which is basically a small university town, as i may have mentioned before, that's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere), that our trusty Wal-Mart will be carrying a few copies next week. AHH! that's next week?! ah! that's in three days! even more excitement! ALSO. i'm donating blood again on monday! woo! next week is going to be sweet! ... probably making up for the fact that the following week is going to be HELL. but i'm not going to worry about right about now! :D
oh. i thought i'd leave a track listing of the mix cd i mentioned earlier that evan made for me. it was the very first (of many!) mix cds that he made for me! and it has not since lost its lustre one bit! i still love listening to it. :)

• All That I Need - Blind Melon
• This Lamb Sells Condos - Final Fantasy
• The Boogie Monster - Gnarls Barkley
• The Dusty-Foot Philosopher - K'Naan
• The Dark of the Matinee - Franz Ferdinand
• Pablo Picasso - David Bowie
• Maggie M'Gill - The Doors
• Indestructible Sam - Buck 65
• Comfort Eagle - Cake
• No Wow - The Kills
• Inside and Out - Feist
• He Lied About Death - Stars
• Windsurfing Nation - Broken Social Scene
• Shine a Light - Wolf Parade
• Gore Veil - The Deadly Snakes
• Supa Doopa - LesGeorgesLeningrad
• She's Good for Business - MSTRKRFT
this is a really fun mix of lots of different kinds of music. i recommend that you check some (or all!) of this out!
bye! i'ma get back to my franz ferdinand frenzy. :)
that's is a great mix cd! I know almost all of those songs aaaand I have some of those too.
it was! the very first one, that started all that crazy mixtape-making.
it was all my favourite songs at the time :)
i still listen to that mix sometimes. i have it on my ipod.
thanks for the memory.
(tx fr teh mmr)
You're the one for me, you're my ecstasy, you're the one I neeeeeed.
Hey baby love.
Franz Ferdinand FTW
wv. : kints a dyslexic knits
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