i then started playing around with the arrangings of songs (you know, arranging them by play count, artist, date modified, etc.). i arranged the songs by "last played" so that the list started with songs that hadn't been months. when i did this, i found all these wonderful tracks that hadn't been fully played since like.. march or april earlier this year. i felt it was such a crime that these wonderful tunes by great artists hadn't been given a justified listening-to in such a long time. so, starting with "This Lamb Sells Condos" by Final Fantasy (last played: 3/15/2008), i went down the list, going through march, april, may,... and rediscovered all these great songs that had almost been forgotten.
i am now at "Karma Police" by Radiohead (last played: 5/13/2008).
so now i challenge you to do the same (leave a comment with the song and artist you unearth'd!). rediscover these little ditties. who knows, maybe you had linked an interesting memory to one of these songs - a memory you had temporarily misplaced at the back of your mind. [there's no hope for the village]
gimme more o' that beat. ♫♪
it's 'cause of the merchant in our midst.
,and .he's with a barrel fist
Youtube (A Love Song) by David Choi. It just makes me feel good and wanna dance! Also Malajube's Montreal -40. Do you know Malajube?
p.s. something amazing happened in this comment; my word verification was an actual word this time: clung.
i've heard malajube before! they're pretty interesting!
and HAH! don't you love it when the word verifications actually turn out to be an actual word??
AH! WOO! I have influenced my little friend Collin to write a blog... about the joy's over wonderful, wonderful music!
Well foe me it would have to be:
'Walking on a dream' by Empire Of The Sun at 107 plays.
'Oxford Comma' by Vampire Weekend at number 97.
Oh, thanks for the recommendations for Christmas, but I think coal is the only thing going into my stocking this year.
I had a nasty fight yesterday & today... staying with a friend for a few weeks.
(oh, by the way, how do you do those little love hearts next to the capital letter of you name at the end of each blog? I'm a bit of a ladite when it comes to all this new exciting technology.)
Damn, I always write heaps
A Canadian director, Frank Janin, did this.
Good old indie brit pop!
Well thank you for your comforting comment.
I appreciate having friends like Sam too.
Even though we hated each other at first, because we wanted to both be Kelly's one and only best friend.
So do you have myspace or msn?
Peace x
ITs not working! NO!
Ah, Why am I such a ladite?!
I am totally incapable of doing anything!
it goes: & hearts ;
[without spaces]
(i think you just forgot the 's' at the end)
and yes i have msn (and myspace but i NEVER use it), but i don't think i would want to disclose that over something as public as this if you know what i mean haha
Fair enough.
Thank you again for helping me out.
I also tagged you, but you dont need to follow on. I hate those games, and I hate applications on any internet site like facebook and myspace etc..
I thought I became a follower, but then I thought that you weren't writing any blogs. So then I went to see if I had become a follower, and alas, I was not.
Do you like Laura Marling?
XX ♥ xx ♥
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