Monday, November 10, 2008

six random facts about me.

oh! i've been tagged by Karen and Elyse!

what to do:
• Link the blogger who tagged you (as shown above).
• In your blog, write up rules and then...
• Place 6 quirky facts about yourself that no one knows.
• Tag six other bloggers and link them.
• Visit each person's blog and leave them a comment informing them that they have been tagged.

ok, here we go:
1. i used to be absolutely terrified of the chairs from my mom's old dining room set, and several other pieces of furniture as well (mostly chairs)
2. i hate shaving, and do as little as possible - as i'm sure some of you have noticed..
3. sometimes, when i talk, my face goes red, and wish it wouldn't. i hate it.
4. i used to like to play with barbies when i was a chillun  :\    ... FAG.
5. i don't think i've gone to bed before midnight once in probably two years.
6. i actually used to like girls when i was like.. 12. weird.

I've tagged these awesome people: Becky, Evan, Sam, Carole, Kris


beckyannnnnnn said...

Oh, I just love you.

Ain't nothing wrong with playing with barbies, or liking girls for that matter :P

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

you have also been tagged by me.
i just forgot to leave you a comment until now.
i'd tell you to see my post "Six." but you seem to have already done that.

sparklegreen said...

You're not the type to shave? awww, so you're scruffy?

Kettle said...

I never liked Barbies, would only play with them when my sister wanted me to.. and I had to make a story, or else I wouldn't. I'd much rather run around outside in the woods with toy weapons and pretend to be some crazy hero/fighter/ninja/red or white power ranger. DEFYING SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS, BITCHES.

Annnnnnnd, NOW I know to dress up as a chair next Halloween to go creepin' around your residence. :)

colinM. said...

and if you DARE dress up as a chair, i will have a shitfit. :|

AND, haha.. i wouldn't say i'm "scruffy" per say, but hair tends to accumulate.. on my FACE, and i leave it too long to shave it, and it gets all gross.. oh, and i can't grow a full "beard" yet.. so it's just pretty nast.

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

a-MEN to that.
i have borne witness to the scruff.
the unholy scruff.

colinM. said...


beckyannnnnnn said...

So Colin, Have you shaved yet?

colinM. said...

actually, i shaved this morning bby