Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
the most amazing thing happened tonight. not like anything i've ever experienced before.
i keep replaying it in my mind, and i still can't believe it happened.
it's nothing of extreme importance, trust me. i didn't find the cure for cancer.
but for me, it was a giant leap. a huge leap.
i can't stop smiling right now.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
oh haiiiii!
it's been AGES, hasn't it?
TOO long, if you ask me.
i apologize for not posting anything EVER since like.... MONTHS ago!
i guess second semester of uni was somewhat HELLISH - as i know it was for some of you guys as well. it seemed like second semester was INFINITELY more piles of work and stress than the first! heavier courseloads, fifty million midterms/assignments/labs/papers/etc.etc.etc. but HEY, we got through it!
i've now been home for just over one month.
i just realized that i've been home for ONE month.
that's ONE month out of the FOUR i have before school starts again!
where did THAT go??? it seems like vacation has just begun! :\
well. i've been working at the DrugStore Pharmacy. it's been AWESOME. i'm PRACTICALLY a pharmacist now (NOT!). i'm actually a "Pharmacy Technician." ... basically we do all the real work. we fill the perscriptions, wait on customers, get the order.. all that fun stuff. what do the actually PHARMACISTS do? that's a good question... but whatever it is, they get paid a HECK of a lot to do it! and that's why I want to become one. :)
ALSO! i found out the other day that all Summerside Atlantic Superstore employees get a free gym membership to the Summerside Wellness Centre!! DECENT eh? so i hit that up last night. got RIPPEDDDDD hahah... not really, but just you wait. i will be SWELLED by the end of the summer.
other than working, i really haven't been up to a whole lot. just appreciating the lack of stress, taking it easy, finding loads of more muzaks, hanging out with peeps.
OH! hopefully we're going on a road trip to HALI next weekend!!! that would be Evan, Becky, myself, and ... is that it? or are there others? i've no clue. but we'll be staying at Evan's house in Hali (which failed to get subletted for the summer, so basically Evan and his room mates all have this HOUSE that they're paying for, but not living in!) so there's one less expense we have to worry about! we'll probably go out on the town clubbing at least one of the nights, i'm hoping... then maybe go shopping?? we'll see. but i know whatever we do, it'll be LOADS of fun. :)
then we're going camping sometime in June! we haven't been camping since after graduation two summers ago. that was fun. i'm calling Cavendish National Park tomorrow to get some info. i can't wait for that! Becky is bringing G, and i'ma make Renee come too!
and EVOLVE is in July! that's in Antigonish (where i go to school). basically it's a big concert where you camp..... and mostly everyone is high. so that should be good times all around too!
wow! lots of summer plans already! i'm excited.
geeze. i'm going to have to get back into this blogging thing again! i forgot how much i enjoyed it! ....just getting all my thoughts out. it's somewhat therapeutic.
yes, i'm going to get back into this. blog at least once a week. and really, there's no excuse why i can't. i don't have school anymore, and i'm only working 32 hours a week (which is only FOUR days a week!). so yes, more blogging to come.
but enough about me! how have YOU all been! i almost feel overwhelmed on how far behind i am on all your blogs, but perhaps i'll go through and read a few of the more recent ones to catch up! i think the only person i've been talking to lately has been Karen.. and i've been following some of you on DailyBooth! oh right! DailyBooth! if you don't have a DB, hit that up. it's good times. you take one photo every day for a year (or more!).
follow me! http://dailybooth.com/iColin i update frequently (ALMOST everyday!). and if you already have one, leave me a link to yourself in a comment so i can follow you!! it'll be good stalking times!! :D
anyway. just felt like doing a little update/catch-up/hey-how's-it-going post. more frequent posts to come!
(MAN this was a long-ass post. i promise the others won't be as long!)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Random Listy Thing!
from becky's 100 random things list..
1. I am one of the most procrastinatory people I know.
2. Right now, there are tonnes of things I could be doing, including studying for my midterm on Friday, studying other subjects, finishing my chem lab, catching up on readings, etc etc.
3. I find that unless it's crunch time and down to the very last minute, I can't concentrate on anything for any length of time.
4. Everytime it comes down to crunch time, I get angry at myself and say, "WHY didn't I study earlier when I had the chance?!"
5. If I don't keep myself busy, I get lazy... and then my mind begins to wander places it shouldn't.
6. There have been numerous times this year where I have questioned why I'm actually taking the courses I'm in, and if this is really something I want to do.
7. I would love to know what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
8. I absolutely HATE making decisions on my own. If you know me well enough, you'll know what I mean!
9. If I could have it my way, I'd hire someone to make all my important life decisions for me. :)
10. Sometimes I get so bogged down with school, that I feel like just giving up.
11. But I know that giving up is just an easy way out, and I keep telling myself that if I just keep sticking it out, it'll all be worth it in the end.
12. There are times when I get incredibly lonely, even if I'm in a room full of people.
13. When I get like this, I find myself extremely unmotivated and I stray to my computer for some sort of social contact with the world, whether it be msn, youtube, social networking sites... haha
*Note: I've realized that many of the above seem somewhat depressing! I'm generally a happy person, and certainly not depressed all the time! Let's move on to something else...*
14. Last year, I bought a bamboo plant which I named Hube (short for Hubert). Hube and babette were lovers until becky killed babette. :'(
15. I've recently become addicted to such TLC shows as Jon&Kate+8 and 17 Kids and Counting. I don't know what it is. But I love them.
16. I've always wondered what it would be like to grow up in a large family. Come to think of it, sometimes I wish I grew up in a large family!
17. Only 29 more days until Home. As MUCH as I love being away from home, out on my own at school, with friends and everything, I just get sooo tired of schoolwork all the time and sometimes just wanna go HOME. I'm excited to be home for the summer. :)
18. I'm surprised with myself at how many of these I'm coming up with!
19. I think I have OCD tendencies at times.
20. It bugs me when the volume on my TV doesn't end with a 0 or a 5 (ie: if the volume was set to 23, even if it was loud enough, I'd put it to 20 or 25).
21. I'm colour blind. Well, sort of. It's not the typical red-green colour blindness you see in most cases: I get mixed up between blue and purple, green and brown... My friends make fun of me all the time for it. :P
22. I have an irrational fear of chairs. ... Don't ask. hahaha
23. This actually IS therapeutic! Thanks for making me do this. :)
24. I donated blood for the second time last night! As a result (coupled with an insane lack of sleep of course), I'm extremely tired today!
25. I wish I could figure out why I can never get to sleep before 1 or 2 in the morning most nights. Then I'm so tired the next day, but then once late evening / night hits again, I'm super awake! Vicious cycle, it is!
26. I HATE shaving. One of my all time pet peeves. I leave it as long as possible until my face begins to look like it's growing a new species of fungus on it before I'll shave it.
27. I consider myself Athiest (I think?), and yet I still like to go to church with my family. Go figure that one out..
28. Clearly I'm not as fast at this as Becky is. She had like... at least 50 within a half hour!
29. I'd like to experience love. Which leads me to...
30. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find love. I try to keep hope, but it gets hard sometimes!
31. Secretly (not anymore I guess!), and on rare occasions, I'll catch myself watching eye makeup how-to videos on youtube. You know the ones - usually about eight minutes long, with a humungous eye staring at you through the screen while some girl cakes her face with the stuff... DON'T JUDGE ME!
32. I should also note that I have absolutely no desire to actually WEAR makeup! I just find it interesting okay?? hahah
33. I value each and every friendship I have, and I don't think I'd be who I am without you.
34. This past February has been the single most hardest month I've ever experienced.
35. I still think about you almost everyday and love you very very much.
36. Up until last month, I think I had forgotten just how much family means to me.
37. I have an insanely wide taste in music. If you look through my iTunes, you'll find anything from alt rock to indie pop, 80's synth to hip-hop, and almost anything in between.
38. It bugs me when I say something, but the other person doesn't seem to acknowledge that I've spoken.
39. I think I skipped the whole "rebellious teenager" phase when I was growing up, and saved it for later (as in... last year?)
40. The thought of having to tell my mom that thing about me literally turns my stomach upside down. Hopefully, with time, that'll change.
41. I'm easily-persuaded. I'll try to stay stubborn for as long as I can, but eventually I'll end up giving up and going along with it.
42. I'll never forget the meaning of this number! (If only I knew the question.......)
43. There are times that, if I could have things my way, I would have music playing every minute of every day. But other times, I like complete silence. All depends on the mood I suppose.
44. Everytime I look up at my calendar and see "I just at the sticker! ♥b." or "Psst....Narnia isn't here." I chuckle a little bit. :)
45. Sometimes I wish I was born.... errr... "differently" than the way I am. It just seems like life would be SO much easier and I'd be more content with myself.
46. It makes me so sad whenever my friends are down. I feel so bad, and many times, so helpless because sometimes there's really nothing I can do.
47. Maybe I'll mail those gifts off those gifts that are sitting over there someday (I certainly hope so!)
48. I never once drank in high school.
49. I can be a surprisingly jealous person at times. Even just the small things. But I get over it easy. :)
50. Clearly I don't know myself as much as I thought I did! However, I know I'll end up thinking of something else that would belong on this list, so I'll probably come on here every now and then and update it!
51. I love you all too :)
52. I find myself, subconsciously, constantly seeking the approval of others.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
the garden that you planted...
you were one of a kind.
a meek and mild man; so selfless and caring for others.
you are one of the kindest people i will have ever met in my life, i'm sure.
you were the wise owl,
always having an explaination or solution for something.
you are one of the smartest people i will have ever met in my life, i'm certain.
you did the best you could,
with what little you had.
you helped raise five wonderful children
who grew up to be amazing people,
because of you.
you've made such an impact on so many lives.
bringing a smile to someone's day.
helping out others in need.
always showing your immense generosity.
that garden you planted -
the mark you've left on so many people -
still remains.
you may be gone,
yet you still exist in so many ways
in the people you have touched with your presence.
i love you, grampie, and i'll miss you very very much.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
tonight: franz ferdinand
i was perusing through my iTunes library, and i noticed that a lot of my songs have incorrect or missing album names and artword. so of course i let my obsessive compulsive side get the better of me, and spent a couple of hours going through, finding the correct album names and searching for the corresponding album artwork.

i stumbled across one of the mix cd's evan made for me (i think it was the original songs for drunkie.) wayyy back in gr.12 (wayyy back? that shouldn't seem like such a long time ago, but for some reason it does..). one of these songs was "The Dark of the Matinee" by Franz Ferdinand.
i was intrigued.
i listened to it.
i realized that, except for this one song, i had NO Franz Ferdinand on my computer! i remembered how much i LOVED Franz Ferdinand way back when, and that i used to have a whole bunch on my old iPod and on our computer back at home, but i guess i had forgotten about them when i got my lappy before first year of uni.
so obviously my next move was to go to the hub and steal bunches from teh interwebs, rather than buying the actual albums! HAH! who buys albums anymore? ... i do sometimes. hardly ever. but when i like a band enough, i'll go buy their album and feel very good about it. anyway. i went and got their two albums, and i noticed on iTunes that they had a new single out! weird! i clicked on it, and it brought me to a page showing an unreleased album. it was called "Tonight: Franz Ferdinand." i looked, and it said: Expected Release Date: Jan. 27, 2009. eek! i was vurry excited.

i got their single, "Ulysses" and had a good listen to it. it sounded very promising, and i
got even more excited about the fact that they were finally releasing a new album, after almost four years! i'm hoping that, even though i only live in little Antigonish (which is basically a small university town, as i may have mentioned before, that's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere), that our trusty Wal-Mart will be carrying a few copies next week. AHH! that's next week?! ah! that's in three days! even more excitement! ALSO. i'm donating blood again on monday! woo! next week is going to be sweet! ... probably making up for the fact that the following week is going to be HELL. but i'm not going to worry about right about now! :D
oh. i thought i'd leave a track listing of the mix cd i mentioned earlier that evan made for me. it was the very first (of many!) mix cds that he made for me! and it has not since lost its lustre one bit! i still love listening to it. :)

• All That I Need - Blind Melon
• This Lamb Sells Condos - Final Fantasy
• The Boogie Monster - Gnarls Barkley
• The Dusty-Foot Philosopher - K'Naan
• The Dark of the Matinee - Franz Ferdinand
• Pablo Picasso - David Bowie
• Maggie M'Gill - The Doors
• Indestructible Sam - Buck 65
• Comfort Eagle - Cake
• No Wow - The Kills
• Inside and Out - Feist
• He Lied About Death - Stars
• Windsurfing Nation - Broken Social Scene
• Shine a Light - Wolf Parade
• Gore Veil - The Deadly Snakes
• Supa Doopa - LesGeorgesLeningrad
• She's Good for Business - MSTRKRFT
this is a really fun mix of lots of different kinds of music. i recommend that you check some (or all!) of this out!
bye! i'ma get back to my franz ferdinand frenzy. :)
just checking in!
'tis been a busy week! assignments, quizzes, labs and the like. ... let alone trying to fit in other things like, you know.. EATING, and... EXERCISE.
phew! i'm so glad it's finally over though! and, other than the random drunken girls out in the hall "singing" (questionable..) ABBA at the top of their lungs, it's been a relatively quiet evening. i decided to just take it easy this weekend - maybe catch up on some sleep. :)
i guess i just thought i'd come and "check in" as i've gotten sooo behind on reading all of you lovely peoples' blogs this week (i cnt grmr?)! i think i will get back into my prison break frenzy. i'm almost done of season two! Freaking KYLE got me hooked on the darn show. he'd been after me for the longest while to download the seasons off the hub, and so of course i gave in. and finally over christmas break i started watching a couple of episodes...
and then (of course) i was hooked. great. the last thing i needed was another tv show to be watching! anyway. there were a couple of days were i sat and watched COUNTLESS episodes, back to back.. hours at a time. i just couldn't stop. but- but- but it's just sooo good!
so i got back to school, and basically the whole first week i put studying on the backburner and concentrated on this tv show. the past couple of weeks i've been picking away at season two (the show is currently on its fourth season, starting up again in april) and now i'm finally almost finished!!
oh my. that needn't've been such a lengthy story (yay for multiple contractions!! ... of the grammical variety of course). i could go back and cut some of that out. ...just cut it right outta there. but i'm not going to bother with that. i'm just going to go finish season two. and maybe, JUST MAYBE, i'll get to sleep before 2. ...pending on whether or not people are still being drunken fools by that time.
no matter. i'd be one of them too any other weekend. (okay, i'm not THAT much of a drinker, but you know what i mean)
i also realized i need to blog more. well, not so much of a "need" per say. but maybe more "involved" in our little blog'n community? yes. i need to become more involved! yeah! that's it! YEAH!
... i'm going to go watch PB now. bye!
p.s.: did you love my excess use of quotation marks and parenthesis? i know i sure did! :D
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- colinM.
- Canada
- i'm just some guy who likes to write about things going on in his life. nothing poetic, nothing inspirational, just me. i study sciences, but i try not to forget how beautiful the world can be.
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