Saturday, January 24, 2009

just checking in!

'tis been a busy week! assignments, quizzes, labs and the like. ... let alone trying to fit in other things like, you know.. EATING, and... EXERCISE.

phew! i'm so glad it's finally over though! and, other than the random drunken girls out in the hall "singing" (questionable..) ABBA at the top of their lungs, it's been a relatively quiet evening. i decided to just take it easy this weekend - maybe catch up on some sleep. :) 

i guess i just thought i'd come and "check in" as i've gotten sooo behind on reading all of you lovely peoples' blogs this week (i cnt grmr?)! i think i will get back into my prison break frenzy. i'm almost done of season two! Freaking KYLE got me hooked on the darn show. he'd been after me for the longest while to download the seasons off the hub, and so of course i gave in. and finally over christmas break i started watching a couple of episodes...

and then (of course) i was hooked. great. the last thing i needed was another tv show to be watching! anyway. there were a couple of days were i sat and watched COUNTLESS episodes, back to back.. hours at a time. i just couldn't stop. but- but- but it's just sooo good!

so i got back to school, and basically the whole first week i put studying on the backburner and concentrated on this tv show. the past couple of weeks i've been picking away at season two (the show is currently on its fourth season, starting up again in april) and now i'm finally almost finished!!

oh my. that needn't've been such a lengthy story (yay for multiple contractions!! ... of the grammical variety of course). i could go back and cut some of that out. ...just cut it right outta there. but i'm not going to bother with that. i'm just going to go finish season two. and maybe, JUST MAYBE, i'll get to sleep before 2. ...pending on whether or not people are still being drunken fools by that time.

no matter. i'd be one of them too any other weekend. (okay, i'm not THAT much of a drinker, but you know what i mean)

i also realized i need to blog more. well, not so much of a "need" per say. but maybe more "involved" in our little blog'n community? yes. i need to become more involved! yeah! that's it! YEAH!

... i'm going to go watch PB now. bye!


p.s.: did you love my excess use of quotation marks and parenthesis? i know i sure did! :D


beckyannnnnnn said...

I loved all those grammatical items.
You do need to be more involved. GAH

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

you CAN grammar! hurray!
...for the most part.

and if you learned to play synth i'd force you to move here and play in a band with me.
you'd actually have no choice.
maybe i'd let you finish your year.