i had an awesome weekend!
Evan came over and we chill'd. we listened to music, we talked about things, we reminisced, and we had a funeral.
there really isn't very much to do to keep oneself and/or one's company busy in the 'nish, but we made the most out of it and i know i had a great time.
i'm excited to go to Hali in the new year, once i'm finally 19! and we can go club'n and such. and i'll meet your awesome (artsy, NONscience) friends. and i'll get to see a side of Hali my eyes have never layed on.
and becky will come visit me in the new year also! for my birthday weekend. i'm vurry excited for that too. and maybe you'll come here next year?! =)
after the week of HELL last week, things are a little less stressful this week. i have some things coming up that are due, and that damn lab exam on saturday...
but it'll all get done when the time comes.
ALSO. i jumped aboard the Baroness train. although i did not legitamately buy a copy of this amazing album by Sarah Slean, i enjoy every single track nonetheless. each song captivates you in one way or another, whether it's the soulful "Goodnight Trouble" or the mystical "Shadowland" with its overpowering harmonies. The Baroness truly portrays a lot of emotion with a resilient voice.

AND! The Killers' new album, Day and Age comes out tomorrow!!! much excitement. i'm hoping that even in anti-go-nowhere, the trusty Wal-Mart will carry it on the actual date of release.
with such promising singles such as "Human" and "Spaceman", this album looks like it has shaped up to be another solid installment.
i love The Killers.
and Brandon Flowers.
and his voice.
and his... FACE.
but i think that is all for now...
oh if only my trouble would take flight, sarah slean.