Saturday, January 24, 2009

tonight: franz ferdinand

i was perusing through my iTunes library, and i noticed that a lot of my songs have incorrect or missing album names and artword. so of course i let my obsessive compulsive side get the better of me, and spent a couple of hours going through, finding the correct album names and searching for the corresponding album artwork.

i stumbled across one of the mix cd's evan made for me (i think it was the original songs for drunkie.) wayyy back in gr.12 (wayyy back? that shouldn't seem like such a long time ago, but for some reason it does..). one of these songs was "The Dark of the Matinee" by Franz Ferdinand.

i was intrigued.

i listened to it.

i realized that, except for this one song, i had NO Franz Ferdinand on my computer! i remembered how much i LOVED Franz Ferdinand way back when, and that i used to have a whole bunch on my old iPod and on our computer back at home, but i guess i had forgotten about them when i got my lappy before first year of uni.

so obviously my next move was to go to the hub and steal bunches from teh interwebs, rather than buying the actual albums! HAH! who buys albums anymore? ... i do sometimes. hardly ever. but when i like a band enough, i'll go buy their album and feel very good about it. anyway. i went and got their two albums, and i noticed on iTunes that they had a new single out! weird! i clicked on it, and it brought me to a page showing an unreleased album. it was called "Tonight: Franz Ferdinand." i looked, and it said: Expected Release Date: Jan. 27, 2009. eek! i was vurry excited. 

i got their single, "Ulysses" and had a good listen to it. it sounded very promising, and i 
got even more excited about the fact that they were finally releasing a new album, after almost four years! i'm hoping that, even though i only live in little Antigonish (which is basically a small university town, as i may have mentioned before, that's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere), that our trusty Wal-Mart will be carrying a few copies next week. AHH! that's next week?! ah! that's in three days! even more excitement! ALSO. i'm donating blood again on monday! woo! next week is going to be sweet! ... probably making up for the fact that the following week is going to be HELL. but i'm not going to worry about right about now! :D


oh. i thought i'd leave a track listing of the mix cd i mentioned earlier that evan made for me. it was the very first (of many!) mix cds that he made for me! and it has not since lost its lustre one bit! i still love listening to it. :)  

• All That I Need - Blind Melon
• This Lamb Sells Condos - Final Fantasy
• The Boogie Monster - Gnarls Barkley
• The Dusty-Foot Philosopher - K'Naan
• The Dark of the Matinee - Franz Ferdinand
• Pablo Picasso - David Bowie
• Maggie M'Gill - The Doors
• Indestructible Sam - Buck 65
• Comfort Eagle - Cake
• No Wow - The Kills
• Inside and Out - Feist
• He Lied About Death - Stars
• Windsurfing Nation - Broken Social Scene
• Shine a Light - Wolf Parade
• Gore Veil - The Deadly Snakes
• Supa Doopa - LesGeorgesLeningrad
• She's Good for Business - MSTRKRFT

this is a really fun mix of lots of different kinds of music. i recommend that you check some (or all!) of this out!

bye! i'ma get back to my  franz ferdinand frenzy. :)


just checking in!

'tis been a busy week! assignments, quizzes, labs and the like. ... let alone trying to fit in other things like, you know.. EATING, and... EXERCISE.

phew! i'm so glad it's finally over though! and, other than the random drunken girls out in the hall "singing" (questionable..) ABBA at the top of their lungs, it's been a relatively quiet evening. i decided to just take it easy this weekend - maybe catch up on some sleep. :) 

i guess i just thought i'd come and "check in" as i've gotten sooo behind on reading all of you lovely peoples' blogs this week (i cnt grmr?)! i think i will get back into my prison break frenzy. i'm almost done of season two! Freaking KYLE got me hooked on the darn show. he'd been after me for the longest while to download the seasons off the hub, and so of course i gave in. and finally over christmas break i started watching a couple of episodes...

and then (of course) i was hooked. great. the last thing i needed was another tv show to be watching! anyway. there were a couple of days were i sat and watched COUNTLESS episodes, back to back.. hours at a time. i just couldn't stop. but- but- but it's just sooo good!

so i got back to school, and basically the whole first week i put studying on the backburner and concentrated on this tv show. the past couple of weeks i've been picking away at season two (the show is currently on its fourth season, starting up again in april) and now i'm finally almost finished!!

oh my. that needn't've been such a lengthy story (yay for multiple contractions!! ... of the grammical variety of course). i could go back and cut some of that out. ...just cut it right outta there. but i'm not going to bother with that. i'm just going to go finish season two. and maybe, JUST MAYBE, i'll get to sleep before 2. ...pending on whether or not people are still being drunken fools by that time.

no matter. i'd be one of them too any other weekend. (okay, i'm not THAT much of a drinker, but you know what i mean)

i also realized i need to blog more. well, not so much of a "need" per say. but maybe more "involved" in our little blog'n community? yes. i need to become more involved! yeah! that's it! YEAH!

... i'm going to go watch PB now. bye!


p.s.: did you love my excess use of quotation marks and parenthesis? i know i sure did! :D

Monday, January 19, 2009

i love tea and tea loves me!

not tinne in particular. but, i'm sure i love her TOO. and maybe she'll love me back!!!

but that's beside the point. 
becky came over this weekend! for mah b-day. i was sooo happy she came! good times were had.
we got trashed (mostly becky) saturday night. basically we had various kinds of alcohol just chill'n in our stomachs. this included: vodka, tequila(the main event), bailey's, mANGo rum... uhh, i think that was it. but then we went to the pub. MY FIRST TIME EVA! i was a little too excited about it i think. but hey, as of 12:00 saturday night, i was no long a fucking fetus! i could now go out to the pub with everyone when pub outings occurred. it was a HUGE accomplishment to me! (PS: in case it's different where you live, legal drinking age here is 19. just throwin that out there)

back to the original story!

while becky was here, we decided to buy tea, because ... well i'm not sure why we decided that actually. i guess maybe just because buying tea is an all around good idea? also, i wanted to learn to like tea. and up until now, i've not. i realized it's been due to the fact that i've been trying all the wrong kinds of tea, and should have just started with regular orange pekoe! so. we got back to my room from the blistering cold and made some tea. with two sugars (stolen from meal hall of course. FUNNY STORY. we were in meal hall, and i decided that i needed sugar for my tea, so i went to the coffee station, and when no people were looking, i pocketed about three hundred million [give or take a few thousand] packets of sugar. now i'm all set, sugar-wise!). and then, i drank it. and i LOVED IT!

but that wasn't even the original story! it was just a cover for the fact that becky came to visit me for the weekend. HAH! i got you! ... but i was sad to see you leave on the acadian, but i know you had to go back to the island eventually. after all, you couldn't stay here forever, as you only brought three outfits!

oh. here's some pictures from my sloshy birthday festivities (thieved from Sam of course :P)! enjoy!

we're all set!
lick the salt...
bite the lemon...
lemon faces! (maybe i'm not a fan of the taste..)
enjoy that sweet taste!
(or if you were me, you'd think the taste was equivalent to that of "dirty cunts!")
shot # .... uhh, i lost count!

all in all, it was a lovely weekend that i got to spend with a lovely girl. thanks for coming out. and remember, next year, i'll have a double bed, so it'll suck less! :D

and now, here i am, drinking tea out of a styrofoam cup. it's all good. :)


Thursday, January 8, 2009

oh that thing that everyone's doing..! leave yo name!

...why won't it let me copy and paste this?!
hmm.. no matter. i'll just TYPE IT ALL OUT!  :\

Leave your name in a comment, and:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a food substance to throw at you in the school cafeteria.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favourite thing(s) about you!
9. If you play, you GOTTA do one of these on your blog. (You just gotta!)

YAY! ok.... GO!

Becky! :) :)
1. You play Zelda and World of Warcraft, which is unfathomable to me.
2. There are many songs I can think of, but the best one would have to be "Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll" by The Killers, as that is one of your favourite songs of LIFE, and I think of you everytime I hear it. :)   A movie, would have to be Pride and Prejudice (no need for explanation lololol).
3. Probs some rum balls (unless I eat them all first..)
4. EIGHTDASHBRACKET.    oh! and ;;secret.loveAffair//on.theHammock::
5. Well apparently we played in the Ghetto when we were chill'uns, though i do not recall that.. but other than knowing who you were, as i'd gone to school with you since gr.1, i suppose gr.10 would be the first real memory. Remember when you sat in front of me in english writing with the pedophile? .. And then the unvitation to your b-day... and then things just went from there. :)
6. Something warm (because you're a furnace) and furry. Hmm... well I think of becky, and I think of.... KOALA BEAR! ... Most likely because i love koala bears and i love you!
7. Why bother with those thoughts? You're too much of an amazing person to have that!
8. This is a hard question. I have so many favourite things about you. You're always there, you always listen, you always make me feel better when i'm down, you're always so much fun, you straighten mah hurr, you're an amazing artist/photographer, you're a neighbourhoo watch/creep (errr, wait. wut? .....) ... I LO'E YOU!

1. You have two mommies! haha, but not like THAT.. one's actually your old babysitter. But she's still your second mommy :)
2. Hmm... well, remember that one time, with "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry?! I would have to pick that one. 'Twas a good time! :P    Movieeee... would be Fight Club because you're just so totally BADASS, and you have the ability to push me in the snow banks on the way to B-hop in a single bound!
3. Cherry yogurt! MMMM!!
4. The decapitation of poor little Snicker-doodle!! :'(       ... RIP.
5. When you, Arianna, and I watched House on her computer during Frosh Week! hahah.. I think that's really the very first I remember of you
6. A...... MOUSE!! I don't even know WHY. It's the first thing that comes to mind! Either that, or an elephant, because of that stuffed elephant in your room I always play with when i'm there :P
7. Why won't the man of your dreams realize what a sweet chick you are?!
8. You always make me feel better when I'm sad. ALWAYS! You look out for others, and sometimes don't leave enough for yourself! You're just an awesome person altogether, and don't even realize how amazing you really are!

1. You went out with that one person in gr.10 HAHA. It's ok, I went out with one of those in gr.10 too! 
2. I'm thinking "21st Century Life" by Sam Sparrow, because he's awesome, and you're awesome, and we both love his gay music! Movie.... DEFF LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE. Deff. Deaf? .. I am sometimes... NVM. But yes. That movie, I think you'll understand.
3. A hamburger(meat) on a whole wheat bun(flour), and a knife+cuttingboard(emo!). ...d'you get it?
4. Green=Estelle, Red=Gertrude, Yellow=Coco, Black=Donatello, Purpe=Satan   ... (yes i still have that on my desk)
5. *Passes kirsj.™ randomly in the hallway in gr.10* "Pff... fag!"  JUST KIDDINGGG! Well, other than you just being there in the lobby with peeps i was with too, probably good times in gr.12 chem with Beth Peters and the HAITCH-too-oh, and at Becky's parties.
6. A giraffe. I do not know why. I now have this image in my head of you sticking up a gigantic neck and cautiously ripping some leaves off a tree. kirsj.™ is giraffe (roll the 'r' in there, i can't).
8. You're so artistic. In everything you do! You look at everything with such an interesting (artistic!) point of view. I'd love to be HALF as creative as you. Oh, and you're also one of the funniest people I know! Tonnes of LOLs are had when you're around. :)
(minus brittanny to the left)...sooo drunk! :)

1.  There are lots of random facts about you! Hmm.. How 'bout, you, for some unbeknownst reason to me, love Tom Waits. And, while I appreciate that, I can NOT figure that out.
2. :\ oh my. there are too many! However, the first one that came to mind was "I Am The Walrus" by, of course, The Beatles. SIS Band trips! You had that "mp3 player" thing that was new to me, but it played music. ANYWAY. Yes. So that song, because pretty much the whole time we were on the bus, we listened to Beatles songs on that thing. :) And I loved it.
Movie? Hmm.. Well, Coffee & Cigarettes comes to mind. Mostly because for YEARS you had mentioned that we needed to watch it. Then we did. And I absolutely LOVED it. Hey! We should watch that again sometime!
3. An unsauced, deepfried chicken wing, which I would proceed to throw at you, with the aid of a pair of thongs(/tongs), thus propelling the chicken wing at a higher velocity, causing its trajectory to travel to 
your back, at the perfect angle such that it bounces up and hits you in the face.
4. I had a pie.
5. *Gr.7 Math Class* Evan: "Look at this new Macy Gray cd I got! Macy Gray is so awesome. Oh look! It has that word SEX in it! See, right here! :O" Me: "Oh... cool.. haha. :)"  And then you ate lunch with "us" ... and "Hey, big spender! Spennnd a little TIME with me!"  :D ... and ... oh my, so many more, but that's where it all started. [AY Leadership conference: *lady shoves skeleton hand down her blouse*]
6. A Gorilla. Hmm. I don't know why. You're not wild and beastly like a gorilla, but you just seem like a kind, gentle, gorilla-type. Maybe I'll think of  a legit reason some other time. Or a better animal for that matter!
7. How do you get enjoyment out of his music?!
8. You're just a whole bunch of awesome contained in one person. You're so talented in so many different ways. You're absolutely hilarious. We go wayyy back, and sooo many mmrs. tx for those! -P.Coulson

1. You know that one little Frenglish(/Acadian?) folk song... which is amazing. And we always torture you to sing it! 
2. PROBABLY "Love Story" by effing Taylor Swift, because no thanks to YOU, I'm like... hooked now! UGHhh.. haha
A movie would be ... something along the lines of a documentary on the Wild Acadian. 
3. I would throw some French Fries at you. Because I would find that very funny. :)
4. Studying in the SUB just does not work! And (same day) "Oh I have to read this gospel thing now! Jesus CHROIST!"
5. *first day of gr.12, lunch. becky brings this RANDOM from her history class.* me[in my head]: "oh-em-geee! a new girl!" And then you were always there, and at becky's parties and such! ^.^
6. A mouse. A French mouse, of course. Ratatoille anyone (but in mouse form!)? Or, was he even French?? It took place in France, didn't it? So.. i'm just assuming... WHATEVER. You just look like a cute little mouse I think. And. You're tiny. :P
7. Can I hav' yo numba? Can I hav' it?? (Seriously though, we never hang out!)
8. You're just so fun to be around. You throw those random lines in there that fill the whole room with laughter. You're a good listener. And you're just a whole lotta "cool beanz!" :)


lonely, am i
sitting here
for you to come along.

my heart pours
my eyes leak
why must you be so out of reach?
the drug that i need,
that sweet heroin -
causing gratuitous withdrawl
when will i find you?